Beaucarnea gracilis
Slow but large-growing relative of Pony Tail Palm with thin, slightly glaucous leaves which hold themselves much more erect than recurvata & guatemalense, but not as broad nor stiff as stricta. Trunk, as for all the fore-mentioned species, becomes massive in time, and branched above - at that stage a prestigious plant of great beauty and presence.
3.Indoors OK, Outdoors OK in warm, well-drained position in mild areas.

Beaucarnea gracilis
Slow but large-growing relative of Pony Tail Palm with thin, slightly glaucous leaves which hold themselves much more erect than recurvata & guatemalense, but not as broad nor stiff as stricta. Trunk, as for all the fore-mentioned species, becomes massive in time, and branched above - at that stage a prestigious plant of great beauty and presence.
3.Indoors OK, Outdoors OK in warm, well-drained position in mild areas.