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Mammillaria 'Fred'

Seriously bizarre mutant form of Mammillaria bocasana. Pudgy, soft green blobs like silly putty, occasional bristly spines and white flowers with nothing but petals. Easy indoor plant in bright light.

5.Indoors OK, Outdoors not OK.

Moundforming. Note the tiny spined body appearing...
.....which later grew into this: a fullblown reversion to Mammillaria albicoma!
"Freds Pimple', unfortunately it did not survive grafting.
Massive rootstock can be raised for a more classy presentation.
Moundforming. Note the tiny spined body appearing...
.....which later grew into this: a fullblown reversion to Mammillaria albicoma!
"Freds Pimple', unfortunately it did not survive grafting.
Massive rootstock can be raised for a more classy presentation.