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Aloe angelica (w2272)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 30 cms Height: 50 cms Pot diameter: 20 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Aloe angelica (w2273)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 30 cms Height: 50 cms Pot diameter: 20 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Aloe angelica (w2199)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 30 cms Height: 46 cms Pot diameter: 20 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Aloe angelica (w2198)

Bent trunk.

Width: 36 cms Height: 49 cms Pot diameter: 20 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



The striking candelabra of Aloe angelica in full bloom.
Inflorescences colour up with more orange-red in direct sunlight.
An Aloe that appreciates a good view.
Cherubs (angelic youngsters) in 20cm pots.
Our first flowering of Aloe angelica, behind Knee De